Requirements Quality Factor Ontology


Data Sets

A data set object is an arbitrarily large set of natural language requirements, which may make one or more specific quality factors explicit (e.g., through annotations) and are usable as gold standards to evaluate newly proposed approaches.

Index Description n
DS50D191Automatic Train Supervision (ATS) component of a Communications-based Train Control system (CBTC)57requirementpractitioner dataunknownprivate R004
DS47Large software project at Munich Re, reinsurcance company51documentpractitioner datanoneprivate R006
DS20Requirements Specification of a large-scale software system development project748requirementpractitioner datanoneprivate R007
DS34"The project entailed re-engineering a critical straight through process of customer application, from customer application on the internet to lodging of that application in the system, to printing application forms for postage, and signing by the customer in order to activate the customer’s account for online trading"26use casepractitioner datanoneprivate R009
DS06Use cases for DLibraCRM, a web-based system for cataloging and selling book-related goods online16use casestudent datanoneavailable in paper R020
DS07Use cases for MobileNews, a news feed system for delivering the latest bulletins to mobile devices15use casestudent datanoneavailable in paper R020
DS08Use cases for WebJSARA, an information management system with publishing, searching, uploading, and downloading capabilities29use casestudent datanoneavailable in paper R020
DS09Use cases for Course Registration System (CRS), a distributed system to be used for managing university courses and subscriptions8use casepractitioner datanonereachable link R020
DS10Use cases for the Health Watcher System (HWS), a web-based system that serves as a mediator between citizens and the municipal government9use casepractitioner datanonebroken link R020
DS29Quality requirements for a university helpdesk web application11requirementstudent datanoneavailable in paper R022
DS48D165, D166, D167, D168, D169, D170, D171, D172, D173, D174, D175, D176, D177, D178, D179, D180, D181, D182, D183, D184, D185, D186, D187, D188A corpus of requirements supplied by the requirements qorking group of INCOSE1035requirementunknownunknownno link R025
DS0428 requirements specifications from different domains, in total containing 8667 pages and 1,242,765 words28documentpractitioner datanoneno link R032
DS05D010Requirements database by Telelogic1920requirementpractitioner datapractitionersno link R037
DS30D117, D118Software development project with the goal to design and implement a web application that serves as a platform for communication and networking between technology experts.38requirementpractitioner dataauthorsprivate R043
DS01D00311 requirements documents from RE@UTS web pages11documentpractitioner dataunknownbroken link R045
DS02D003anaphora instances containing different types of pronouns200phrasepractitioner datapractitionersno link R045
DS26Requirements Specification for a new hardware device for tracking vehicle position based on GPS signal with data download via WIFI (from an anonymous telemetry company)1documentpractitioner datanoneprivate R046
DS27Student Projects60documentstudent datanoneno link R047
DS03D005, D006, D009sentences containing multiple structure coordination ambiguity with and, or or and/or639sentenceunknownauthorsbroken link R049
DS52D21710 Specifications from Daimler AG10documentpractitioner dataunknownprivate R053
DS51Subset of a dataset of "530 non-functional requirements extracted from 11 industrial specifications from 5 different companies for different application domains and of different sizes"58requirementpractitioner datanoneprivate R055
DS21Single Document with 445 sentences or fragments445requirementpractitioner datanoneno link R058
DS22External company documents2396requirementpractitioner datanoneprivate R058
DS14Requirements document for Health Watcher, a web-based health complaint system aiming to improve the quality of the services provided by health care institutions.9use caseunknownnonebroken link R065
DS15Requirements document for an Order Processing System, which provides a collection of use cases to a mail based ordering processing system.13use caseunknownnoneno link R065
DS25D072Author labelled uncertainty dataset26829sentencepractitioner dataauthorsno link R066
DS31D119Software component in a satellite ground station380requirementpractitioner dataauthorsprivate R067
DS32D119Tool suite for managing the safety information used during the safety certification of embedded systems.110requirementpractitioner dataauthorsprivate R067
DS33D119Safety requirements for nuclear facilities developed by the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority890requirementpractitioner dataauthorsprivate R067
DS36ERP implementation of a new system that automates some manual processes164requirementpractitioner datanoneprivate R079
DS37Project for an auto-insurance company33requirementpractitioner datanoneprivate R079
DS38Single release cycle of a medium-sized telecommunications project50use casepractitioner datanoneprivate R079
DS39Government project5000requirementpractitioner datanoneprivate R079
DS40"[L]arge project in retail industry involved integrating 6 new Java-based sys-tems (with about 70 sub-systems) with 19 existing systems."3000requirementpractitioner datanoneprivate R079
DS41Software for a mobile company-1requirementpractitioner datanoneprivate R079
DS55D232, D233, D234, D235, D236, D237, D238, D239, D240, D241, D242, D243, D244, D245, D246, D247, D248Use cases from both industry and academia domain written in the Jacobsen template30use casepractitioner dataauthorsno link R087
DS28D115"Requirements statements obtained from various sources including online sources such as ACMs OOPSLA DesignFest"600requirementunknownunknownno link R094
DS42D141ATM transaction system-1structured/tabular textpractitioner datapractitionersprivate R100
DS43D141Repair claim notification system-1structured/tabular textpractitioner datapractitionersprivate R100
DS44D141Claims creation system-1structured/tabular textpractitioner datapractitionersprivate R100
DS45D141Hotel service system-1structured/tabular textpractitioner datapractitionersprivate R100
DS46D141Purchase authorization system-1structured/tabular textpractitioner datapractitionersprivate R100
DS49-1D189, D190EIRENE (European Integrated Railway radio Enhanced NEtwork)583requirementpractitioner dataunknownopen access R003
DS11-1User stories from one team of a large eCommerce Company working on a next edition of the platform176user storypractitioner datanoneupon request R024
DS12-1User stories from one team of a medium-sized software for digital healthcare producing organization66user storypractitioner datanoneupon request R024
DS13-1User stories from one team of a medium-sized software producing organization that develops a product for a housing cooperative.238user storypractitioner datanoneupon request R024
DS00-1D001Seven sentences with passive voice, and the same seven sentences with corrected active voice.14requirementunknownunknownopen access R027
DS35-1Initial set of requirements for a music player software6requirementunknownnoneno link R031
DS23-1Requirements document of a Federal Aviation Agency1documentunknownnoneno link R035
DS24-1Four versions of the interactive matching and geocoding system II (IMAGS II) requirements document for US bureau of census4documentpractitioner datanoneopen access R035
DS54-1MAPSTEDI (Mountains and Plains Spatio-Temporal Database Informatics) Use Case Model-1use casepractitioner datanoneno link R076
DS16-1Requirements specification originating from the ISO 13628-6 standard for subsea installations.97requirementpractitioner datanoneproprietary R078
DS56-1D271Domain-specific word lists, embeddings, and labels600wordpractitioner dataauthorsopen access R090
DS66Use case scenarios from 12 academic or proprietary industrial software projects231use casepractitioner datanoneno link R092
DS17-1Military Air Defense System20requirementmocked datanoneopen access R093
DS18-1VaMaSU project66requirementunknownnoneprivate R093
DS19-1Public Health Information Network Preparedness INitiative (PHIN)152requirementpractitioner datanoneprivate R093